Dear Lord Krishna Lovers
1. Association with Paramatma (God) leads to union, and association with the World leads to sense pleasures (disunion).
2. Desire for happiness, wishing for it and indulging in sense pleasures – these three are the root causes of all sorrows.
3. It is only for giving up desire for happiness that sorrow comes.
4. To consider this body as “me” and “mine” is a grave mistake; Such errors themselves are death.
5. To give importance to the perishable thing is itself bondage.
6. By giving up wanting perishable things, the imperishable element is attained.
7. To establish a relationship with this body and this world is association with bad company (untruth).
8. You are not seeing Bhagavan (God), but He is constantly seeing you.
9. It should happen this way, it should not happen this way – in this there is all sorrows.
10. There is nothing equivalent in one’s progress than purifying one’s nature.
11. Pride of goodness, is the evil of inertness
12. A perishable thing is such that it will not remain even for a moment.
13. By considering this body as “me-mine” all sorts and unending sorrow manifests.
14. By seeing other’s flaws, neither we are benefited, nor they.
15. Being a slave to perishable things is the main reason that does not allow us to turn to the imperishable.
16. You become the servant of Bhagavan (God) then He will make you His master.
17. He who desires rest and relaxation, cannot progress spiritually.
18. Paramatma is not far away. Simply our intense longing for Him is lacking.
19. As long as we see the perishable as real, till that time there will be no realization.
20. Seeing something great in us, is simply due to pride of individuality
21. There is no greater sin than turning away from Bhagavan (God) and turning to the World.
22. In God Realization, the sentiments are important, not the activity.
23. To have desire for anything itself is poverty.
24. On giving up pride and selfishness, one naturally becomes like an ascetic.
25. On turning away from the world, naturally and without doing any effort, good qualities manifest.
26. May I be respected – this desire itself has been the cause of disrespect.
27. My body is in the world, but I myself am in Bhagavan (God).
28. Liberation comes from giving up of desires, not from giving up things.
29. To give up the insistence of your mind for Bhagavan (God), that itself is surrendering to God.
30. Worldly goods are useful for the world. They are not useful for us (Self).
31. If there is anything that you desire from the world, then you will have to experience suffering.
32. The best use of things to use them for the benefit of others.
33. Man’s rise and fall is due to sentiments, not due to things, situations etc.
34. The one who comes, is bound to go – it is a rule
35. We do not get bound because we are staying at home rather we are bound because we consider the home as ours.
36. Not regarding “Is-ness” as part of Paramatma, but considering it as part of the World – this is the mistake!
37. There is no certainty of “will do”, there is certainty of “will die”.
38. As long as there is pride and selfishness, till then there cannot be love for anyone.
39. Without leaving the company of “unreal” there cannot be great gain from company of “real” (satsang).
40. Feeling of mine-ness with Bhagavan (God) is the easiest and best of all spiritual practices.
41. By not considering the world as ours, liberation can be at this very moment.
42. Any which way, become engaged in God, thereafter God Himself will take care of the rest.
43. There is fault in cheating another, however there is no fault in being cheated.
44. He whose nature is improved, for him the whole world becomes better.
45. Besides God, no one else is mine. This is true devotion.
46. It is better not to take at all, then taking from another with the hope of doing charity.
47. God is not realized out of insistence rather one must have true and intense longing for Him.
48. One who indulges is sense pleasures is diseased, unhappy and moving towards misfortunate.
49. The moment this embodied soul turns away from God, he become an orphan.
50. Without giving up attachment for the world, love and affection for God is not happen.